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Home Yoga Teacher Training Article Philosophical Basis of Schools of Yoga and Their Practices

Philosophical Basis of Schools of Yoga and Their Practices

Evolution of human consciousness takes place through the principles and practices of Yoga .The accomplishment of such higher state is called as Samadhi or the liberation from the bondages of the suffering. There are different methodologies to come across this state due to the uniqueness of the temperaments of the each individual practitioner. These paths are called as Schools of Yoga. They provide the precise approach on the principles and practices on the basis of philosophical foundations of Yoga as per the predisposition of the yogi. Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh is the great opportunity to study these classical schools of yoga, which are mainly practiced around the world in order to attain the ultimate aim of yoga. They are;
Raja Yoga
It is also called as Ashtanga or Patanjali Yoga, This is comprehensive methodology to bring the harmony of the mind body through the practice of eight limbs. The classical work of Yoga sutras is most influencing texts on the principles and practices of yoga. They eight limbs are
1. Yama
2. Niyama
3. Asana
4. Pranayama
5. Prathyahara
6. Dharana
7. Dhyna
8. Samadhi
The practice of the first two limbs, Yama and Niyama forms the foundation for the ethical life. Yama deals with the social code of conduct which is important to maintain the harmony and health of the society. Niyama is about the personal observances in order to develop the proper qualification for the practice of Yoga through cleanliness, contentment, strong willpower, intellect and stability of emotions. Asana and pranayama are useful to bring the best possible physical and mental health. They help in keeping the mind and body free from the diseases so that the journey is continued without any disturbances. Prathyahara disciplines the senses in order to be prepared for the higher experiences of the concentration, meditation and the union with the absolute which transcends the physical and empirical barriers.
Hatha Yoga
The practices of Hatha Yoga Training Curriculum is composed of Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandhas and Nadanusandhana. The aim of Hatha yoga is to realize the goal of Raja yoga . These principles and practices are potential in the purification of the mind and body. The practice of Asana brings the steadiness of eth mind and body, health and feeling of lightness. The pranayama practice purifies nadis which are the subtle energy channels. Prior to the pranayama the cleansing techniques are practiced to bring the balance in the three humors of the body. This preparation leads to the experience of the meditation of higher order.
Karma Yoga
It is the practice of Yoga of action or meditative dynamism which purifies the mind and removes the dirt from the heart. Karma yoga is good for the improvement of the concentration, will power, harnessing the mental capacity and removal mental problems. The fundamental of teachings of this school includes the selfless work with detachment to the results of the action without ego. Bagavdagita explains that equanimity of the mind in both the results of success and failure is yoga. Different types of actions are satwik ,rajasik and tamasik.
Bhakti Yoga
It is the Yoga of love and devotion to the divinity or the supreme. This is good fit for the practitioners of emotional temperament. The practice of devotion harness the stability of the emotions, removes the sense of ego. The influence of the feelings of the self surrendering to the divine brings mental peace, tranquility and concentration. There are two types, they are passionate and transcendental experiences of bhakti.
Jnana Yoga
The meaning of Jna is to know. It is the process of attaining of the higher knowledge or the reality. It is the science of the self. This path is suitable to the people with rational thinking or an enquiring mind. Rationalization is approached through intellectual process for the knowledge of higher being which is of transcendental knowledge. Discriminative knowledge and the renunciation from the fruits of enjoyments are the two means for the path of wisdom.
Mantra Yoga
Mantra yoga is attainment of supreme state of Yoga through the chanting of Mantras. The practice of mantra chanting use the principles of the primordial sound, Mantra is a sacred syllable. The mental obsessions are cleared through the recitation of these syllables with certain frequency and amplitude. Regular repeated practice of Mantra protects an individual from all the stress generating factors and gives mental stability. The mind and sound are having string relationship with each other, the sound vibrations soothens the mind and its positive effects are experienced on the nervous system. It is useful for the inner peace and harmony as well as for concentration and enhanced cognitive capacities of practitioners.
Kundalini Yoga
The practice of progressive awakening of this Kundalini, energy from Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara chakra is known as Kundalini Yoga. This based on the energetic anatomy and physiology of our systems in terms of Prana, Nadis and chakra. The energy is dormant in the region of the Muladhara, through different techniques of yoga such as asana, pranayama and other techniques its stimulated to move in the Shushumna Nadi. This process of energy activation transcends all the gross experience into subtle qualities. Each of the chakras are attributed to different qualities of human experience and the purification of these energy centers is an important aspect of the Kundalini yoga in order to enjoy the peace and harmony In a nutshell, the experience of yoga is to bring the wisdom, inner peace connection to the true nature of the individual human beings. This is also helpful to live the life with great harmony with the society and the self. The collective advantages of the paths or the schools of yoga are used in alleviating the sufferings of the mind kind in their unique way depending on the predisposition of the practitioner to his own choose path of practice.

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